Quarterly Tourism Promotional Grant Applications

Thank you for your interest in applying for funding through Visit North Platte. Below you will find applications for the three types of Promotional Grants that we offer. Please read the description below each one before submitting your application to make sure you are filling out the correct one.

It is the mission of Visit North Platte to enhance and promote a positive image of the communities in Lincoln County, Nebraska and to assist in the development, continuation, and promotion of quality events, attractions, and amenities for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike, and to help ensure that the highest standards of customer service are practiced in our establishments.

One of the ways Visit North Platte fulfills its mission is to offer grants to businesses and community organizations to assist them in hosting and promoting events and attractions. Grants are only reviewed on a quarterly basis at the monthly Board of Directors meetings in January, April, July, and October.

  • January 1 – For events occurring in April, May and June;
  • April 1 – For events occurring in July, August and September;
  • July 1 – For events occurring in October, November and December;
  • October 1 – For events occurring in January, February and March;

The funds available through this program are provided from the lodging tax revenue and are to be used for the sole purpose of promoting, encouraging, and attracting visitors to and within Lincoln County, Nebraska, as the state statute §81-3701 through 81-3729 provides. 

All three grants are reimbursable 80/20 grants. Reimbursable grants are a type of grant that require the grantee to use their own resources to fund a project before being reimbursed for expenses. 80/20 means the grantee is responsible for covering at least 20% of the total project cost or using 20% of the project cost as in kind. 

If you have questions throughout this application please do not hesitate to contact Visit North Platte at 308-532-4729 or to email Amanda Connick or Lisa Burke. Before you go too far in planning your project, please contact Visit North Platte to discuss your project.

Yearly Tourism Improvement Fund Grants

It is the mission of Visit North Platte to enhance and promote a positive image of the communities in Lincoln County, Nebraska to assist in the development, continuation and promotion of quality events, attractions, and amenities for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike, and to help ensure that the highest standards of customer service are practiced in our establishments.

One of the ways the Visitors Bureau fulfills this mission is to offer Improvement Fund grant applications to non-profit entities operating visitor services within the borders of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The grant cycle opens each year in January when Intent to Apply letters are solicited and are due to the Visitors Bureau by the first business day of April each year. After meeting with the staff of the Visitors Bureau, potential applicants will receive the application. Completed applications are due on the final business day of July. Applicants will present their projects to the Visit North Platte Board of Directors at a meeting in August. Awards will be announced within 10 business days following the August meeting.

To see if your project qualifies, contact Lisa Burke or Amanda Connick.